It is not easy

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Estres

For many, life is not easy, it’s complicated. Sometimes resorting to some kind of addiction. Others live on the edge of despair. Sometimes we blame those who wounded us and forced us to addiction, sometimes we blame ourselves for not knowing how to get out of the hole. Consider these tools that can help. Forgiveness is paramount. It … Read More

Another urinary infection?

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Nutricion

Urinary tract infections can be caused by different situations. Although there are antibiotics that help you fight them, consider the following advice, because taking antibiotics too often, affects your microbiome (all organisms that live in your body in addition to all bacteria). Include natural products in your diet, especially those that help detoxify the body, specifically the kidneys. … Read More

Cutest Little Balls

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Nutricion

Today I want to give you, my Cute Little Balls, a guilt free cookie recipe.  You can now have your cake and eat it too.  These cookies have no processed flour nor any refined sugar, they are easy to make and you can enjoy them in a short amount of time. Hope you like them as much as … Read More

Are your addictions legal?

posted in: Wellness, Blog

When we hear the word addiction, we tend to think of illegal drugs. What about legal addictions? Those are worse, because being legal, they are accepted. If you think about it, they’re worse, much worse. The worst addiction of all, on a physical level, is the addiction to sugar. As I say on page 152 of my book, … Read More

Small changes that bring great benefits for the prostate

posted in: Wellness, Blog

When creating awareness to maintain a healthy body and avoid the risk of developing prostate cancer it is important to create good habits from an early age. There are different factors that influence the  body’s health, such as diet, emotional state, physical condition and the environment around you. In the case of prostate cancer, I recommend that you … Read More

You have another disease

posted in: Wellness, Blog, Estres, Nutricion

75 to 90% of doctor’s office visits are due to stress-related conditions, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. When stress is present most of the time, it can lead to conditions such as obesity, depression, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety, asthma, headaches, infertility, irritable bowel syndrome, muscle spasms and premature aging. Want to learn … Read More

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